Succulents Plants for the Indoors

Succulents are the best plants for the indoors as they require minimal amounts of care. These plants are always trendy for the indoors. Succulents are characterized with juicy leaves, roots, stems. This is a vast group of plants and consists of easy-care choices for the home. The color variations of the succulent is also quite wide. Colors such as pink, red, burgundy, blue-green, yellow, white and chartreuse can easily be found in succulents. Some also offer leaves in various needlelike, ruffled, spiky or rounded forms. Most of these plants have evolved to develop water-storage qualities which makes them great survivors. Below are some of the most popular choices for indoor succulents.

Sedum morganianum (Burro’s tail)

This plant is displayed to its best advantage when grown in a hanging basket. The stems can grow up to 3 feet in length. This plant is native to Mexico and as such it prefers medium to maximum light. The soil should be allowed to dry between each watering of the Burro’s tail. During winter, the plant requires little to no water.

Schlumbergera x buckleyi

The christmas cactus has a wonderful pink bloom and is ideal if you are seeking a pop of color for your indoor plant. In order to grow properly, always keep the soil dry between watering. During winter, it should be kept drier. The plant prefers medium to high light and some fertilizer during summer to promote the growth of blooms. Stem segments should be occasionally pruned in order to keep the plant healthy