If you have standing water in your garden during spring and which transforms into crack in summer, then it’s safe to conclude that you clay for soil.
It’s important to understand that there are a number of ways to improve clay soil even if it means choosing flowers that will thrive easily in clay soil.
Having said that, here are 4 ways to improve clay soil:
#1: Use organic matter instead of soil
Most gardeners will use sand, which is the opposite soil type, so as to achieve a balance and so alleviate the problem. However, this does nothing to resolve it. So, a recommendation is to use organic matter. Actually, you should try using as much as you can as it will improve the soil. Gypsum is also another common option.
#2: Double Digging might be worth a try
Double digging usually involves digging a 2-foot trench in the garden while adding soil mixture and compost. After this, the soil that has been dug out is added back and mixed. Even if this takes a bit of effort, you can be sure that your plants will grow beautifully.
#3: Install raised beds
Raised beds are the best way to circumventing problems that can occur when dealing with soil types whether of the clay or sandy variety. There are a number of types of raised beds such those made of composite or wood or the hay bale gardening as well as the lasagna gardening variety.
#4: Pick flowers right for clay soil
Pick flower plants that can thrive in conditions of both sogginess as well as dry cracked earth that clay is known for. In the case of gardeners with sunny spots can try flowers such as day lilies, asters and coreopsis while with shady clay soils can try plants such as ajuga and forget-me-not.