Considering Chrisitian Home or Garden Decor

Considering Chrisitian Home or Garden Decor

Article by Bradford Espinoza

Have you ever noticed that when you bring all of the elements of your house into play, that they have a heavenly feeling about it? It isn’t just a coincidence as our living rooms and the rooms that we cherish are a reflection of our lives and everything that we put into our lives we extend into these spaces, with all of the things that mean something to us. How often have you walked into a stranger’s room and seen representations of Our Heavenly Father and a little statuette of Mary over the hearth and comforting crosses decorating each passageway? And didn’t they make you feel that you were right at home and not in a strange space?The whole concept of Christian related décor plays with this idea and encourages you to find your own style within the framework of your worship, from the blessings and the graces that adorn your kitchen tables to the children’s books about Jesus and the Apostles on your coffee table, to the way that you let the light shine upon your household when your cleanliness is the closest to godliness. When considering Christian home décor, you’ll be able to incorporate your faith into every aspect of your life. You can obtain some of the great works of art that have paid tribute to the martyrs, the saints, and even if you have such an inclination, the priestly figures that have been in your lives, and your parent’s lives as well. The themes don’t have to just be iconic. You can draw inspiration from your favorite hymns and keep them in mind when you put together the style you want to show off to the world. Perhaps a song such as Amazing Grace can come to mind and you decide to make a part of your décor a representation of how you’ve come from hard times and you’ve endured thanks to your faith and now that you’re no longer blind, you can see that there are ways to express your faith through your belongings in your home. Perhaps you’re a Christian minimalist or have some personal tendencies that demand simplicity to follow in the ways of the first witnesses. As with prayer, light, quiet and contemplation are the elements that build your faith with every action; you can choose and pose the artifacts in such a way that invite all to feel that deep resonance of your faith, and hopefully their faith as well. It’s not so much asking yourself what Jesus would want in your living room, but how Jesus would be comfortable if he was in your living room in person. You can extend Christian décor to your exteriors; there are subtle ways of having your faith displayed on the outside of your house without being too Ned Flanders about it with the okely-dokely form of generic holier-than-thou patio furniture that makes you think that you’re in a pew. Shining a light and making sure that the light shines through your whole house is the first step as the light in your heart becomes a representation of your style.

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