Houseplant care in fall and winter

Houseplants normally thrive during springtime and mostly during summer months. The real challenge is about making them survive through colder days of fall and winter. Houseplants, especially those that have tropical origins, require humidity to stay healthy. Some of the tips below might help you with your houseplants.

Mist Your Plants

Misting your plants once a day could be enough but if you can do it up to three times a day it would be better. Your tropical house plants would benefit from this humidity. You can also place your plants in highly humid area such as close to the showers.

Dust of leaves and stems

Your plants would not be able to breathe with dusts on them. Leaves have pores too and dusts can clog them.

Give them some light

Reposition your plants often around the house to ensure that they receive enough sunlight. Depending on each season, your house might be receiving sunlight at different places. Adapt the location of your plants as per the sunlight received.

Do not fertilize or re-pot during fall and winter

Fall and winter would be the time when your plants would rest and slow down on their growth. It would be better to fertilize during spring when they would start activating their growth. Similarly, wait until spring to re-pot your plants as this will stimulate their growth.

Water them less often

As your plants’ growth would be slowed down during fall and winter, they would not require so much energy. Therefore, water them about once a week or when you see that the soil looks dry.