How to Pick Plants for a Small Garden

It’s always a tough decision when making a list of the plants that you love, and that you’d like to add to your garden.

This becomes twice as hard when it’s for a small garden and if you take into account  which plants you would most probably use.

Here are a few things that will decide how you pick the most appropriate plants for a small garden:

#1: A Limited Budget

Whether this is pertaining to soil or even the exotic (but expensive) plants that you might want to purchase, it’s important to stick to a budget even if it will be smaller for a small garden. Both can be pretty expensive while the latter can be bought a few at a time each year.

#2: Balance

Even small gardens should have balance. As a rule, the breadth should be 1/3rd of the length but for smaller border the 1:2 ratio works just as well. The reason for this is a 6 foot border which has 2 feet as its breadth will not have much depth and will like an edge instead of a border.

#3: Plants already existing

It’s always better to remove existing plants instead of planting around them, trees excluded, of course. Of course, you can always give them away to another friend,  move them into another area or even save them to use in the garden later. In other cases, you’ll have to ask which type of plants will survive in the trees’ shade or whether you will have remove the hedge to make room for the garden space.

#4: Maintenance

Be honest with what you might want to in taking care of your garden, even if it is a small one. There could be a number of perennials that will begin to die or might squeeze out neighboring plants.