How to start an organic garden?

Creating and maintaining an organic garden is a rewarding experience as it will give you produce that is healthier, pesticide free and grown by you. Here are a few easy steps that will help you create an organic garden.

Goal setting – Start off by first deciding what you want to grow as this will impact where you should plant your organic garden. Remember that since you are just starting out, dream small and choose plants that will produce vegetables that you and your family consume but those that grow quickly and are manageable.

Site selection – Start off by observing your yard and what level of sun and shade it receives in different areas. For vegetables look for a space that will give you at least six hours of sunlight per day. Remember that well-draining soil is best for vegetables and herbs. If you are unable to find a suitable spot, look at growing something indoors.

Creating the bed – Consider the size and shape of your new garden, before you start digging. If you are looking to create a formal bed, gather some stakes and string and create an outline measured to a specific size. You will have to clean your space of any weeds, grass or plants to give your new organic patch room to grow.

Amend the soil – Add some compost to your vegetable patch to help provide sufficient nutrients for your plants to grow.

Plant selection – Make your plant selections by visiting an organically grown nursery and always inspect your plants for insect and disease problems.