Posted by: ETO Doors

This is the first of our repurposing series aimed at the reuse of your old wooden doors and other wood products.  ETO Doors is committed to sustainable forestation and the repurposing of the doors you replace.  Whether or not you do the actual repurposing, we encourage you to contact your local recycling agency or a repurposing company to see if they have an interest in your old doors and wood products.

Headboards are almost entirely fashion, rarely functional, except to keep the stray pillow from falling behind your bed.  The overall shape and dimensions of a door makes it a perfect headboard replacement.

Step 1: Take Down the Door.  This is obvious, be we like to be thorough.

Step 2: Remove the hardware and hinges (unless you like the look of the hinges, which could create a very rustic, Lower East Side loft experience)

Step 3: Think about the finish you’d like: painting, staining, or covering with fabric.  The options are endless and relatively easy to change should you get bored.

Step 3a: Painting: Visit your local home improvement store for suggestions on the type of finish you should use on your door.  Select a color, remember to lightly sand, and prime if necessary.  Depending upon the weather, you may want to a paint inside to ensure the paint cures quickly.  Excessive heat, humidity and cold can delay the paint-drying process.

Step 3b: Staining- Essentially the same as painting, but this step may require more sanding to ensure you’re getting the most out of the wood grain that remains on your door.

Step 3c: Cover with Fabric.  This is probably the most time-intensive step.  You’ll need to visit a fabric store to find the best fabric, and you may want to add some padding to the door for a more pillow-like finish.  Using a foam mattress topper is a great padding option.

Step 4: Place and Hang the Door/Headboard.  This may be the most important step, lest you desire a heavy wood door to come crashing down on you as your slumber. If you live in earthquake zones, even more attention should be paid to the securing of your headboard.  Using airplane wire and the proper nails can create a very secure door  headboard, but if you’re pretty new to the DIY world, we suggest speaking with a carpenter, interior designer, or another building professional to get some insight on the best practices for hanging heavy objects.

For new door options now that your old door is your headboard, call 888 DOORS ETO or email for hundreds of door options available in a week or less.