Small garden design ideas to revitalize a tiny space

homegardenadvices feb 2017With many living in smaller homes, small gardens have become the norm. Most homes manage with gardens that are balconies, terraces, decking or patios. However, even a small garden can create balance, and therefore designers are coming up with ideas for small urban gardens that create impact.

Use your space intelligently – Although your space may be small, you can make the most of your space. Look at foldable chairs, seats that double up as storage and hidden wall storage. To create the illusion of space, add mirrors and wall mounted pots and planters.

Easy maintenance – Small gardens are easy to maintain, and this means that you can spend more on things like lighting, soft furnishings, and furniture.

Simple lines – Strong contemporary landscape lines are great as they involve less maintenance. Think of stained wood decking, pale patio slabs, and decorative stones or chippings. You can then add foliage in designated areas.

Revive an under-used space – If you only have a balcony, invest in some good quality outdoor furniture and add planters with easy to maintain plants on walls and the balcony rails.

Focus on furniture – White garden furniture will make your space seem larger and increase the depth of feel. To add greenery, grow plants that climb on the walls to save on space.

Go tropical – Towering palms, strappy phormium and feather-leaved tree ferns like Dicksonia are great to add drama and add a tropical feel.