Useful ways to create a better home and garden

Useful ways to create a better home and garden

Article by Thomas B. Chuong

In areas where the cold has begun to thaw out and there are dry sunny days, you know that it is that time of the year again when it is time to rake snow mold off lawns. If the soil is too wet, do not venture out as this may damage the soil. Before starting work in the garden make sure, the soil is crumbly and not sodden. Air out your home and start getting ready for spring. Make a checklist of the gardening equipment required, empty out window boxes and birdbaths and get them ready for re-potting and watering. Be innovative and create a garden trellis for a new look.

Brighten the first weeks of spring

Make a checklist of what seeds you would like to plant. Flowers and vegetable seedlings are available in packets at many home stores. Towards the end of March and early April would be the ideal potting time but preparations require time and it is a useful home and garden tip to plan sensibly a vegetable patch apart from the usual flowering beds, which highlight the garden décor. It is a good idea to plant some bare-root woody plants first. Remove all dried grass and shrubs, piled under snow. Check if mulches are in place or if they have been heaved. Protectors like burlap etc., aid in protecting the soil from unnecessary plants shooting up.

Record bloom times as part of the plan

Select flowers and vegetables that grow well in this cool season. A good choice of garden vegetables would include cabbage, broccoli, kohl-rabi, brussel sprouts and even broccoli. A useful home and garden idea is to start planting small compact seedlings like leeks and onion indoors at this time. Transplant them outdoors when they start sprouting and the weather gets warmer. Flowers that do well at this part of the year would be ephemerals. These little flowers rear their pretty heads between March and early April and disappear when the heat comes on. Depending on the area one is in, one can plant flowers like hydrangeas, peonies, pansies, daffodils and roses.

Look out for those pests

The wet soil gives rise to a host of pests like the mealy bugs, spider mites and scale insects. Several useful home and garden insect repellants and sprays are available in home stores that take care of these mites successfully. Preparing your own compost in one corner of the garden is a good idea as it provides manure to your plants. Make your garden bloom this season.

About the Author

Thomas B. Chuong is currently writing about topics related to home improvement & decor, personal fitness, and home & garden. Find out more by visiting these sites Futon, and Trampoline.

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