3 Major Reasons Why Plants Don’t Bloom

It’s a given that gardeners are a patient lot. However, when they don’t see their plants begin to flower after a few weeks or months, and which will definitely raises cause for concern.

While there are certain reasons why plants don’t bloom that are out of our control, here are 3 major controllable reasons why plants don’t bloom:

#1: The Lack of Fertilizer
While this is the first thing that most gardeners is the problem, the thing is could be a combination of factors that causes the absence of flowering. While your plants do need a good amount of phosphorus, there could be other reasons as to the lack of sun and water, the pH level in the soil isn’t in a good range or if there are disease or pests around.

#2: Pruning at the wrong time
Another reason why plants don’t bloom is because the pruning is done at the wrong time – at the end of the season. This can remove all the buds which will flower in the next season. While this is becoming less of a problem with lilacs, forsythia and certain hydrangeas, it’s better to watch out for the time of pruning if there are older trees and shrubs that you would like to keep.

#3: No Sun
In order for flowers to grow, they need at least 6 hours of sun everyday as photosynthesis is a necessary process for plants to grow. Why this is so important is because plants that don’t get enough sun tend to get stressed out. In other words, it will drop all its flowers and buds in order to conserve resources so as to stay alive.

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