Advice on what plants to buy to beautifying the exterior of your home

homegardenadvices-novPlants always make a home more welcoming. But investing in the right plants that suit your lifestyle is the key to ensuring your garden looks its best all year around. Here is some advice on what plants to buy to beautifying the exterior of your home.

Rambling roses – A rambler or climbing roses are great for exteriors as they are beautiful and delicate. However, make sure you have sufficient time to take care of them, as they can sometimes be high maintenance plants. Choose one in the palest of pinks to give your home a dainty finish.

A cover of clematis – Clematis will grow quickly and cover the bare wood in a few months. This plant will bloom in late spring or early summer with starry white flowers that will bring a sense of calmness to your surroundings.

Vibrant vines – Choose “Lakemont’ because it is a good grapevine, that producers white, seedless grapes. However, if you want an ornamental vine, look to plant “Vitis cognitive”, which has crimson leaves in autumn.

The scent of summer – For a fragrant plant, look at planting some Lonicera periclymenum ‘Graham Thomas’. This plant will produce fragrant honeysuckle all summer long.

Smells like chocolate – The chocolate vine “Akebia quinata”, produces maroon-chocolate spring flowers and is a great addition to a cottage themed home.