Best Perennial Vines for Your Garden

Perennial vines are one of the best ways to add pops of color along with texture to vertical spaces. These beautiful flowering vines come back every year. The advantage of going for perennial vines is that they normally do not require much care and maintenance. They would just be waiting for the optimal season to bloom. The list below might help in choosing the best perennial flowering vines.

Trumpet Vine

Trumpet vines comes in colors such as red, yellow or orange and they contribute to adding a burst of summer in your garden. This plant grows quite fast and is effective in attracting hummingbirds bringing color to dry and hot spots. The trumpet vine can climb up to 30 feet and can spread massively through their underground stems. This plant can easily be prone to weeds in a garden unless it is planted in a zone where it can be adequately controlled.

False Hydrangea Vine

The common name of this plant is derived from its resemblance to a climbing hydrangea. The vines of the false hydrangea has more flowers and the come with large white bracts that resemble big petals. A variety with pink bracts also exists. This plant can climb up to 40 feet and has beautiful foliage. The particular Moonlight variety is preferred for its dark green leaves and silver overlay.

Hardy Passionflower

This plant looks like it comes right from the tropics. The hardy passionflower however, comes from North America. These perennial vines are easy to grow and they produce copious quantities of lavender purple flowers in the summer. This plant normally attracts lots of butterflies and can be quite invasive if uncontained.