When it comes to living space design, small touches can help add color and eye-catching detail, bringing your chosen aesthetic to life. Patios, backyards, and outdoor living areas benefit from small touches such as steppingstones, fountains, and other backyard decorations. One other small touch that can liven up your patio…

Custom cushions: Your new home project
Article provided by The Foam Factory Have you recently bought wooden or wicker furniture without any cushions or padding? These furniture pieces may look rustic and comfortable now, but their hard exteriors will become less and less comfortable as you keep sitting in them. The quick and easy solution to…

Tips for making your RV or camper more comfortable
Blog by The Foam Factory If you’re an avid road-tripper, the chances are that you spend days at a time inside your RV or campervan. These vehicles are designed to be a home away from home, but sometimes, they don’t feel very cozy. If you’re looking for ways to make…
How to Freshen Up Your House for the Summer
Summary: Read below for some top tips on how to get your house freshened up for the summer. With summer in full effect now is the time to freshen up your house and take care of any spring cleaning that you may have put off. Whether you want to…

Benefits of Packaging Foam
The loss of products because they have been damaged during shipment can be a real pain in the neck. Often, those less familiar with the shipping process think that the exterior of the packaging is what is the most important. But in reality, it is the interior of the packaging…

Modern Vs. Industrial: Which Should You Choose?
Summary: Decorating your home with a specific style comes down to personal preference. Here are some pointers that will help you choose the perfect style that suits you the best. One of the biggest challenges that you’ll face while choosing a style that’s right for your home is having to…

Top Things You Need to Do Before Sailing Out in the Open Water
Summary: Prioritizing safety measures before sailing can be a life changer. Taking a trip out on the open can be a thrilling experience but also a dangerous one if you’re not well prepared. If you are considering sailing out into the ocean for a day or longer, make sure you…

Cooling your workplace
When the temperature in the workplace is between 22 and 25.5C (72 – 78F), the workers are most comfortable. Above this temperature, they start to feel uncomfortable, tempers shorten and mistakes are made. In order to avoid these issues, it is important that a portable air conditioner is installed in…

How to Make DIY House Cleaners
Summary: Using different combinations of household ingredients can make so many different types of cleaners, from general all-purpose solutions to specific stain removers. Keeping a house clean can cost both time and money. You can definitely lower the monetary cost of cleaning a home by making cleaning solutions yourself, with…

Two Patio Installation Mistakes Most People Make
Interior rooms in a house are quite straightforward. You can only use your bathroom for bathing, bedroom for sleeping and dining room for eating. The usage of each room determines the furniture you choose. However, how do you design an outdoor space? Which outdoor wicker furniture will use, and which…