Five tips to prevent mail theft

With the holidays on the horizon, there is going to be a surge in mail theft. However, just as packages, gifts, and cards are stolen, so will a lot of your personal information. Documents like bank statements, credit card statements are gold mines of personal information for identity thieves. Also, …

Tips for a successful flower garden

A flower garden can really brighten your day as it will give color and texture to your outdoor space. Here are some tips on how to create a flower garden. Choose your flower garden design style – Different design styles will lend themselves to different plants. For example, if you …

How to start an organic garden?

Creating and maintaining an organic garden is a rewarding experience as it will give you produce that is healthier, pesticide free and grown by you. Here are a few easy steps that will help you create an organic garden. Goal setting – Start off by first deciding what you want …

6 Wonderful health benefits of gardening

Gardening will not only make your home more welcoming, but it has been known to offer some health benefits. Here are six wonderful health benefits of gardening. Providing stress relief – Gardening has been shown to reduce the stress hormone, cortisol. Maintaining a garden may seem like a lot of …